BYU vs UTAH Game Shuttle

We spent a few hours today shuttling U of U fans to the big rival game here in SLC. There is a long gradual hill-- about 1/2 mile. By the end of 2 hours my legs were burned up.  One time I picked up 2 ladies (supersized).  They both had big bags and all their stuff for the game. I almost didn't make it!  I wanted to ask them how much they weighed, but didn't want to offend. I probably wouldn't have heard a straight answer anyway. They tipped me well and it was the only tip I didn't turn down.  It was a great day on a MADSEN, and a great day for the Utes!! The seats are a prototype of a taxi cab attachment. We don't know if we will ever put these seats into production. Give us your feedback to let us know if you think there is a demand for the 'Cab Seats.'

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