Don't Miss These Deals!

Save up to $550 plus free shipping!

Not worried about the perfect paint job? Don't mind a tiny scratch or dent? We're offering great deals on new, but slightly blemished MADSEN bikes with up to $550 in savings. Your new bike ships free with a full warranty.
Financing available, we have 1-3 BLEM bikes in these colors (while supplies last, not eligible with any other discounts):

BLEM Lime Green

This Lime Green BLEM Bike has a small scratch on the frame, and is otherwise brand new.
MADSEN Electric Save $450
MADSEN Save $300
#color_lime green

BLEM Classic Black

This Classic Black BLEM Bike has a small scratch on the frame, and is otherwise brand new.
"Electric MADSEN "Loaded":   Save $550
MADSEN Electric:  Save $450
MADSEN:  Save $300

If you'd like to see a photo of the blemish on a particular color, please reach out and we will send you some photos. Email, or call/text 800-206-0941.

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