Article from the Alameda Post

Article from the Alameda Post

The Beauty—and Benefits—of Cargo Bikes In Alameda they carry everything from kids and dogs to kegs of beer   "They are used to transport emergency medicine and water in Ukrainian war zo...
July 4th MADSEN Parade Bike Contest

July 4th MADSEN Parade Bike Contest

  2024 WINNERS: See More of these Incredible Bikes Here   2023 WINNERS:    
MADSEN: A Bicycle Built to LAST

MADSEN: A Bicycle Built to LAST

Built to Last When MADSEN Cycles was conceived in 2007, our mission was clear: to build bikes that last. Our founder, Jared Madsen, envisioned a bicycle that would stand the test of time. With the...
Chris Pratt Rides a MADSEN on the Kelly Clarkson Show!!!

Chris Pratt Rides a MADSEN on the Kelly Clarkson Show!!!

 Chris Pratt Rides a MADSEN Bucket Bike
MADSEN: The Bucket Bike Designed with Safety in Mind

MADSEN: The Bucket Bike Designed with Safety in Mind

  The Safety of MADSEN Bucket Bikes: Why They're the Smart Choice for Family Cycling   When it comes to family cycling, safety is paramount. Seventeen years ago, MADSEN Bucket Bikes r...
MADSEN: Rides like a Regular Bike

MADSEN: Rides like a Regular Bike

The MADSEN Bucket bike rides like a regular upright bicycle and is known for its short learning curve compared to other cargo bike options. Mastering Starting and Stopping on Your MADS...


Wow, March is here!  And once again it is time to gear up for Spring Riding! Make sure you have your bucket bike ready, and load up on all t...


Happy Valentine's Week! Sending all the love ♡ from us here at MADSEN. We hope you are spoiled by those you love, and reminded how much you are appreciated.  ...
2024! Let's enjoy the ride!

2024! Let's enjoy the ride!

A warm WELCOME to the MADSEN Cargo Crew if you are new here! We hope you enjoyed a cozy holiday season with your family. We loved hearing about holiday bike surprises and receiving photo...